While we wait for the city to compile crucial traffic analysis for the RenewATLComplete Street projects, we would like to invite you on an infrastructure tour. We'll meet at King Memorial Station and bike to Two Wheel Tuesday's featured bar, The Imperial, and talk about the various concepts, opportunities, and challenges to transforming DeKalb Avenue into a Complete Street.
The ride is 2.2 miles, easy pace with frequent stops. We will be biking on DeKalb for the most part so people should feel comfortable riding in traffic during rush hour with a group.
DATE: Tuesday, August 15, 2017
TIME: 5:00 - 6:00 PM
START POINT: King Memorial station
END POINT: The Imperial , 726 W. College Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030 (Map)
377 Decatur St SE
Atlanta, GA 30312
United States
Google map and directions