Due to the coronavirus, some programs are on hold or happening virtually. See below for details.
Atlanta Streets Alive
Atlanta Streets Alive creates open streets for people to ride, walk, roll, and experience from a new perspective outside of cars, in order to shift Atlantans habits towards sustainable transportation. Annual participation in this program has averaged nearly 300,000 over the past three years. Sign up for the Atlanta Streets Alive newsletter to stay informed.
Shifting Gears
Shifting Gears provides second-graders in Atlanta Public Schools (APS) with bicycle safety training during the school day.
Bike Champions
Bike Champions hires, trains, and supports community members to encourage biking in their neighborhoods. Projects engage communities most affected by fatal and serious injury crashes.
Bike Family
Bike Family provides families in the City of Atlanta and Fulton County with the bikes, skills, and confidence they need to bike safely together in their neighborhoods.
Bike Valet
The Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, with operation from Two Wheel Valet, offers secure and easy-to-use bike parking at events. Too often, large events quickly run out of bicycle rack space for those who choose to bike to avoid traffic. By providing a bicycle valet at your next event, you can reduce the event's impact on traffic congestion and carbon emissions and give people more transportation options. It's the perfect way to green your event by making it simple for festival-goers to quickly and easily park their bikes.
Bike Racks
Our goal is to deliver secure, affordable bike parking, which is why we've teamed up with Dero, a leading bike rack company that has spent the last 20 years specializing in quality bike parking. Whether you're a small business or a large scale development, we can help you. Proceeds from the purchase of bike racks through Dero support our advocacy efforts.
Atlanta Families for Safe Streets
Atlanta Families for Safe Streets is a local chapter in a national movement representing hundreds of members who have been injured or lost loved ones in crashes. They transform their grief by telling personal stories of trauma and loss to raise awareness and bring about policy and legislative change.