RSVP for the 2019 Blinkie Awards & Member Party!

Matthew Schmidbauer Wales Watkins Fuller Callaway Greg Giuffrida Outback Bikes Eric Kronberg Jeff Delp Marci Collier Overstreet Andrew Walter Joyce Sheperd Kelly Fletcher Kyle Lamont Robert Brown Anthony Allen Johanna Smith Currie Cole Smith Darrah Gist Derek Jaworski Stephen Spring Grant Henry Brandon Sheats King Williams Joshua Mendez George McDonald Julie Minchew Felicia Moore Paul Harrison Stephanie Teta Jacob Tzegaegbe Matthew Baker Michael Julian Bond Sean Keenan Adam Treaster Trinity Grace Mark McCampbell Alex Rodriguez Meg Frisbie Edward Gano Almea Matanock Aaron Huffstetler Ken Rose Nastassia Patin Stephanie Hudson Anthony Allen Stephanie Stuckey Cara Carraher Jesus Mata Andrea Pinabell

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

FREE for all Atlanta Bicycle Coalition members

Thank you for all the ways you support local advocacy! 

We're excited to hold the 2019 Blinkie Awards & Member Party at The Trolley Barn! And, this year, the Blinkies is FREE for current members! Not sure if your membership is current? Log in to see your most recent contributions or contact us with questions.


2019 Blinkie Awards

Cadence Volunteer Award
Bike-Friendly Elected Official
Unblock the Lane
Advocates of the Year
Impact Award
Members' Choice: Favorite Local Bike Shop

We can't wait to share this year's award winners with you! At the Blinkies, you'll get to cast your vote for your favorite bike shop, and the awardee will be announced during the program.

Get ready to get down with us for a night of food, drinks, music, awards, and fun!

6:30 pm: Doors open
7:30 pm: Program and award ceremony begin

You'll meet other Atlanta Bicycle Coalition members -- new and long-standing, celebrate progress towards our mission, and give your input on our proposed 2019 priorities. We'll also have an announcement about our future and an opportunity for members like you to help shape it!

Plus, delicious food from Six Feet Under Pub & Fish House, Muchacho, and Revolution Doughnuts!

Getting to the Blinkies: #OptOutofTraffic

The Trolley Barn is located in Inman Park, off Edgewood Avenue.

Bike parking: Complimentary ABC Bike Valet courtesy of Whole Foods Market available near the entrance of The Trolley Barn.

MARTA: Take MARTA train to the Inman Park / Reynoldstown Station. Please note: One side of the station is closed for renovations, so you will then catch a shuttle to the DeKalb Ave side, then walk west along Edgewood.

Bringing your bike on MARTA? It's easier to exit at the Candler Park or King Memorial MARTA stations and ride from there.

Car parking: There is a small lot on the property at the back entrance of the Trolley Barn, as well as on-street parking. But we encourage you to bike, walk, scoot, or ride MARTA if possible!

Thank you to our sponsors!

Big thanks to our lead sponsor Bike Law Georgia for their generous support, and to the Trolley Barn for providing the space!

Interested in sponsorship? View our sponsorship information.

February 07, 2019 at 6:30pm - 10:30pm
The Trolley Barn
963 Edgewood Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
United States
Google map and directions
Sagirah Jones ·
