Currie Cole Smith

  • @CColeSmith tweeted link to Ralph David Abernathy. 2016-04-05 13:48:23 -0400
    Support connecting, cleaning, and maintaining Ralph David Abernathy and Georgia Avenue! Sign ABC's petition!

    243 supporters


    Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard, affectionately known as RDA, serves as a major corridor for schools, historic neighborhoods, and businesses in Southwest Atlanta. RDA is a large street with fast traffic and a lonely stretch of bike lane between Murphy Ave and I-85. The road, whether by bike or by car, is often perilous due to potholes, debris, and jagged train tracks.

    RDA turns into Georgia Avenue and runs through seven amazing Atlanta neighborhoods: Westview, West End, Adair Park, Pittsburgh, Mechanicsville, Summerhill, and Grant Park.

    The Atlanta Bicycle Coalition connects these neighborhoods at Atlanta Streets Alive. You can help make this a more livable, walkable, and bikeable corridor all year-round by supporting our campaign for bike lanes and regular maintenance on RDA and Georgia Avenue.

    In addition to bike lanes on RDA and Georgia Avenue, we are advocating for:

    • Resurfacing and repairing dangerous potholes on RDA
    • Regularly maintaining this critical corridor by sweeping trash and debris
    • Paving over the hazardous out-of-use train tracks
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  • signed Lee Street Letter of Support 2015-01-08 15:45:32 -0500

    Lee Street Letter of Support

    5 signatures

    Lee Street has too many lanes for the amount of vehicular traffic it handles, encouraging high speeds and creating a hazard for all, especially people on foot and on bike, but for motor vehicle traffic as well.  

    The City of Atlanta and Georgia Department of Transportation should make Lee Street a Complete Street by removing a lane, repaving the street, and adding bike facilities and safer crossings.

    These simple changes would transform this currently dangerous street into a safe and accessible connection from Atlanta to East Point for thousands of residents.

    A safe walkable/bikeable Lee Street would also connect 3 additional neighborhoods (Beecher-Donnelly, Oakland City, and Ft. McPherson) directly to the Atlanta BeltLine Westside Trail at the Lee St, with an access point located in the West End.

    Whether you walk, bike, drive, take transit, or all of the above, fixing Lee Street would benefit you. Let's increase safety, decrease congestion, and connect our communities.

    Please sign our petition to make Lee St a Complete Street.


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Mobility Planner, Bike & Bus Advocate, Georgia Tech MCRP '17, Vandy '007, Navy Vet, Soccer fan (USA, @ATLUTD), Married to @jdecotis, Raising kids in the city
