Suggest a Bike Share Station Location

Relay Bike Share: Submit a Location Form Atlanta’s Relay Bike Share Station Location Criteria

Relay Bike Share is Atlanta’s public rentable bike program with 500 bright blue bikes at 75 stations around Atlanta. Through a new sales tax passed by Atlanta voters, the bike share program will expand to over 1000 bikes at 150 stations!

We need your help to identify new station locations. Key criteria for station locations are:

  • Close to transit stations (rail and bus stops)
  • Adjacent to safe routes to bike ride
  • Adjacent to activity centers (commercial, schools, community centers, parks or denser residential)
  • Well lit and visible areas
  • Stations can be placed on street in parking spaces or on sidewalks that are at least eight feet wide

View current bike share system map:

Where would you like to see a station?

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