If the public comments from the city of Atlanta’s proposed infrastructure bond were a twitter feed, “bike projects” would be trending.
Even we were surprised to see the word "bike" show up 376 times and "complete streets" 126 times in the public comments!
An astounding one-third of all comments were requests for bike projects and Complete Streets. And a whopping 79 comments out of 767 total asked for DeKalb Avenue to be remade as a Complete Street!
That's a lot of support for the $23.4 million worth of projects that would include bikeways when resurfacing streets, which comes out to 9% of the $250 million worth of transportation proposals in the total proposed package. Here’s a small sample of the many wonderful comments:
"I enjoy living in the City because of the progress made in bike infrastructures including bike lanes, roads, and the Beltline! After visiting Europe and cycling for transportation in the Netherlands I know there is a lot that can be done to make Atlanta a safe and world class biking city. Please provide the needed support for bike infrastructure in the bond.”
“The more riders that we have the less cars there are which means less traffic and more people will want to move here and bring their companies here. With this in mind, I ask that the infrastructure bond project list prioritize safe and connected bikeways. Projects like complete streets for DeKalb Avenue and Peachtree are exactly what we need. But we need more projects like these on the list. Instead of picking a few streets to become complete streets, please consider all streets for sidewalks and bikeways so that all modes are made equal.”
“The enormous success of the Beltline proves that building with pedestrians and cyclists in mind makes urban life better for everyone, from infants to investors. Use 15% of the bond for bikeways! Complete streets!”
“We want protected bike lanes! They are cheap to construct and generate lots of jobs. Will you consider giving 15% of the 250M to bike projects?”
“I fully support the Bond if 15% is allocated for bicycle infrastructure. Let's grow a better, healthier, more competitive Atlanta.”
“Please prioritize bicycle infrastructure and complete streets. We'd like to see 15% dedicated to bike projects in conjunction with road resurfacing and bridge replacement. If signals are upgraded, please add bicycle detection. Adopt "Move Atlanta" to ensure projects are sustainable and build transportation options.”
We could go on and on, but you get the picture. Here's the full sorted list (& the unsorted city list).