Since legislation to launch a new era of Atlanta Streets Alive was introduced two weeks ago, it’s been the talk of the town. With your support, we delivered over 2,000 emails to City Council members urging them to turn a car-free Peachtree Street every Sunday (an 11-year vision) into a reality. Based on the response, many Atlantans are willing and ready to create a whole new healthy, sustainable, and vibrant city street experience.
However, we need to allow time for everyone who would be affected by this major transition to work together to make it happen in a way that benefits everyone. Therefore, the legislation will be held in committee to allow time for stakeholder outreach and collaboration.
The past success of Atlanta Streets Alive is due to strong partnerships. We've activated Peachtree Street at least once a year starting in 2013, and Peachtree Street was the first route to attract 100K participants. We could not have accomplished this alone!
Over the coming months, we will partner with the City of Atlanta to invite residents, businesses, institutions, and key stakeholders along the Peachtree corridor to design this together. Our hope is to create a program that accommodates the needs of Peachtree stakeholders while providing an opportunity for everyone to flourish. In the end, this will make the new era of Atlanta Streets Alive even better.