What to know about the Peachtree Center Avenue Bike Lanes

The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District and the City of Atlanta have completed construction on the protected two-way bike lane along Peachtree Center Avenue (between Peachtree Street and Edgewood Avenue) to provide a safe north-south cycling route through the heart of Downtown. 

This protected bike lane will connect to other bikeways planned in Downtown on Peachtree Street, John Portman Boulevard, Edgewood Avenue and Auburn Avenue, as well as the citywide network proposed in Cycle Atlanta.


Getting in and out of protected bike lanes can be a little tricky, so here are some handy tips to make your lives a little easier and your bike ride a whole lot safer.

Entering the protected bike lanes from the south, heading north

Here it is! The bike lane you've been waiting for!

Entering at the start near Georgia State University? Make sure it's safe to merge before crossing the lanes to end up on the left side of the street. 

Turning right onto Peachtree Center Avenue from Edgewood? Make that right turn into the bike lanes carefully -- watch for right turning cars who aren't expecting you to make a wide right.  


Exiting the protected bike lanes heading north onto Peachtree Street

Looks intimidating huh? Don't let it scare you!

Continuing onto Peachtree Street? Yield to Peachtree Street traffic and turn only when it is safe. Keep an eye on the traffic to your right - they are yielding too, and this intersection will take some getting used to.


Entering the bike lane from the north, heading south on Peachtree Street to Peachtree Center Avenue

Entering the Peachtree Center Avenue bike lanes from the north on Peachtree Street is a two-step process.

First, use the green "bike box" to wait until traffic from both directions is clear.

Then, when it safe to do so, cross the street and enter the bike lane on Peachtree Center Avenue.


Exiting the bike lane on the south end 

When leaving the bike lane at Edgewood Avenue, you must turn right. Don't risk it by turning left at this intersection.

If you want to head east, plan ahead and make a left turn at Auburn Avenue (the block prior to Edgewood) by waiting in the green bike box. If you miss the turn, you can always go around the block (right on Edgewood, right on Park Place protected bike lane, right on Auburn Avenue) or turn your bike around and go back a block.

Please try to avoid biking along the streetcar tracks on Edgewood when possible. 


Bike signals

When going south, you will see tons of special bike traffic signals - on the near side of each intersection. They are hard to see when you're stopped, so look for them as you approach the intersections. Please heed these signals and carefully enter the intersection only after the bike signal has turned green. If you are too close to see the bike signal, look at the pedestrian signal on the far side of the intersection. If that is lit for people to cross, you can bike through.

As people walking and driving are still getting used to the protected bike lanes, be extra cautious about turning cars and pedestrians crossing the street. 


For people driving

  • Do not drive in the bike lane.
  • Park only in designated spaces across the street. Parking violations will be ticketed.
  • No loading/unloading within the bike lane.
  • When turning left, signal! Pay special attention to any people on foot or bike. 

General advice for people biking

  • Proceed with caution when approaching driveways and intersections which are potential conflict zones (which are often marked with green paint).
  • Pass slower individuals on the left -- but only after giving an audible signal like ringing your bell.
  • Make sure your bike has proper safety equipment, including lights if riding at night.

If you see a car parked in the bike lane, call Park Atlanta at 404-750-2263.


Happy biking!

