Unblock the sidewalks and LIT/bike lanes

Carden Wycoff, Atlanta Bicycle Coalition board member and disability advocate

Carden Wyckoff, Atlanta Bicycle Coalition board member and disability advocate

Photo: Ellie Hensley Midtown ATL

Atlanta’s policy on sidewalk closures is excellent. 

The City of Atlanta's 2019 Public Right-of-Way Manual states

"Wherever there is construction activity that impacts the public right-of-way and pedestrian access and flow, a temporary accommodation must be provided to ensure uninterrupted movement of pedestrians along that same route. This is a federal standard defined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). According to the MUTCD, “When existing pedestrian facilities are disrupted, closed, or relocated in a traffic control zone, the temporary facilities shall be detectable and include accessibility features consistent with the features present in the existing pedestrian facility.” The following Pedestrian Accommodations Policy designates procedures and details to be implemented for the treatment of sidewalks during construction activities. This policy is to be enforced by the Department of Public Works when reviewing plans and inspecting work zones for construction that impacts pedestrian Right-of-Way. This policy applies to all construction and maintenance activities (horizontal and vertical), utility work, landscaping, and any sidewalk, lane, or road closures lasting more than 48 hours in construction duration." 

From Section 10.2: Accessible Work Zones and Appendix I Pedestrian Accommodations & Work Zones Policy

Compliance is not.

The gap between requirements and reality can be glaring. But now, you can help narrow the gap! Help ensure sidewalks remain accessible during construction by using this form to report sidewalks or bike lanes blocked by construction that don't provide safe accommodations. We'll share the locations reported with the City of Atlanta and follow up until access is restored. 

If the blockage is on a state route, we'll advocate for the Georgia Department of Transportation to provide safe accommodations, but they do not have a policy in place requiring they do so (at least, not yet).

This effort builds on PEDS' prior work on this issue as we advocate for this and other issues of concern for everyone who walks or uses a wheelchair for mobility.


Photo: PEDS volunteers and founder Sally Flocks
